Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Stand Together

There are so many of us out there; so many of us believe that Jesus is the Messiah and the One true Son of the living God.  But you wouldn’t know it based on how we live our lives. 

We try way too hard to blend in with everyone else, even though we are commanded to be in the world but not of it.  We want to find all the loopholes and try to be as close as we can without really being “of the world” or “worldly.”  Some of us don’t even bother trying to be different than the rest of humanity, with the excuse that God knows our hearts. 

Yes, God does know your heart, and he can see that your heart is trying to choose fitting in over honoring Him.

We are told over and over in the Bible by God to be holy because He is holy.  What does this mean?  The word “holy” is a roughly translated word from the Hebrew word best transliterated as “kadosh.”  This is a word that means set apart, or sanctified.  God commands us to be set apart as He is set apart.  Apart from the world, apart from people who glorify other things like their jobs, TV, the internet, and their relationships with others, over God.  Set apart from the rest of humanity.

How do we do this?  We obey Him.

The Jewish people say a prayer multiple times a day called the Shema, which comes from Deuteronomy chapter 6, the beginning of which is as follows:

“Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai echad.”

This is translated in most English Bibles as “Hear, O Israel, the Lord your God, the Lord is One.” The word “shema” is the one translated as “hear,” which is really a very poor translation.  A more accurate one would be listen and obey as in listen and obey Israel, for the Lord your God is the One and only true God.  Well, we know from Romans 11:17 that we, as believers in Messiah, are grafted into God’s people, Israel.  Therefore, God commands us to listen to Him and obey Him, and He tells us to be set apart.  Shema.

Another thing we can do is acknowledge this “people” that we are a part of.  It is true that our relationship with God is a personal thing…but there is another part of our relationship with Him that should be much more corporate.  We are part of the Body of Messiah, and we are supposed to be united.  However, there is so much division between us that it’s crazy!

In mainstream Christianity, there are so many different denominations, and while there are some who are welcoming to all, there are far too many that there is much dispute between.  We are divided into different things based on our “doctrine,” which should be all the same anyway (or at least along the same lines) since we are all supposed to be testing everything and letting the Holy Spirit guide us..and then you have the Torah observant of us who are also divided into mainly Messianic Jewish and Hebrew Roots, which are, in most cases, completely separate from each other, not to mention separated from mainstream Christianity by a lot although  both have a lot of the same core beliefs. 

Where, I ask you, is the unity?  We all serve the same God, and we all know the same Messiah and the same Truth.  Are we not commanded to love one another?  We seem to be doing a poor job.

There is going to come a time when we are going to need to stand together or not at all, and how are we preparing ourselves for that?  We are told in the Bible that many will hate and persecute us, and I for one do not believe that that’s over yet.  In fact, I feel that it is coming upon us more than ever, and if we want to overcome it, there are a few things we need to do.

We need to listen to and obey our Creator; we need to shema.

We need to be set apart.  If we’re not, how will anyone know who we are?

We need to put our differences aside and stand together.  Jesus Himself said Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not survive.”  We are the kingdom of God Almighty; let us stand together.   

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