Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Chanukah for Life

This year, Chanukah has meant a lot more to me than it has in past years.  Don't get me wrong, I knew what it was all about, and that it was about more than just oil.  I've always known that it is about miracles dedication to God, but for some reason, it really hit me this year more than it has in years past.

This year, I did not focus on the legend.  It was not about a would-be miracle where oil lasted way longer than it should've, and it wasn't even really about the Maccabees.  I know, the way the holiday started was because the Maccabees defeated the Greeks, took back the Temple, and rededicated it to God, and yes, that is a very big miracle.  Especially when you consider the size of their army vs. how many Greeks they were up against.  But I think the biggest miracle of the story of Hanukkah lies in the mountains, where a family was brought up to fear God and be more willing to die than to forsake Him.  That's right, Judah Maccabee and his brother were brought up by a loving father in just this way, in secrecy, despite the threat of death held over their heads by the Greeks.  The Maccabees proved that it takes only one small light to vanquish any amount of darkness, regardless of the amount and how long it has ruled.

This is what Chanukah means to me this year.  It means just that; Chanukah.  Dedication.

Each night we light our candles, and each night the glow grows stronger.  And we bless our God for commanding us to light the light of Chanukah -- dedication.  But are we truly lighting that light?  Every night we tend to our flames, watching them light up the darkness, not just in our own homes, but out our windows into the streets, and all over the world (via Facebook and other social media sites where we undoubtedly post pictures).  This should be an 8 day representation of how we light the light of dedication in our own hearts and among our own families.  Do we take the time each day to dedicate ourselves to our Maker, our King, our Master?  Do we fan the flames and make sure they're shining bright, vanquishing the darkness in our own lives and and shining our our windows into the lives of others?

The eyes are the lamps of the body.  Are yours shining bright and warm, or have you let them get dark and cold?

Chanukah is the Feast of Dedication, but it should not be confined to just 8 days of the year.  Dedication is a daily battle.  Are we willing to fight that battle?  It is so important to bring Light into this Darkness in which we live.  And even if we feel alone, which many of us so often do, we have to remember that we are not.  The most important thing is that God is with us (so who can be against us, right?) and He has us right where He wants us.  Each one of our lights, no matter how small, is so important, and causes darkness to flee.  We Children of the Light may feel alone where we are right now, but rest assured that there are others out there, and they are shining their lights, too.  In fact, there are lights shining all over the world, banishing darkness from all corners.  Slowly but surely, we are lighting up the night, which is good because we were born to flush out darkness.  Not just on Chanukah with our menorahs, but all year round with the way we live our lives.

We are fighting the battle of Light vs. Darkness, Life vs. Death, just like the Maccabees.  Will you join us?  Will you kindle and sustain the light of dedication in your life?  I hope that you do.  Because if not us, then who?