Thursday, April 7, 2016

I Am Weak.

There’s a lot to say about weakness, especially in a society where it is emphasized.  We don’t want anyone to look at our weaknesses because we see them as ugly, and we want to be accepted.  We get told not to look at other people’s weaknesses because we need to be accepting.  We need to look past the weakness to see who they really are underneath, and we don’t for one second pause to think that maybe that same weakness that we are hiding and locking in the cupboard or sweeping under the bed is part of what makes us who we are part of why we do what we do.

Our weaknesses are important.

If you look at Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:9-11, he talks about his weaknesses.  In fact, he loves them.  He says that power is perfected in weakness, so he rejoices in it!  He says that he will boast in weakness and is “well contented” with it, “for when I am weak, then I am strong.” 

Now let’s take a minute, because what I think you just read is “despite my weakness, I can still be strong.”  Or maybe you read “I am weak, but there’s time and I can still learn from it and be strong.”  These are things that you tell yourself, or maybe you even let others tell you, but that’s not what Paul is saying.  The difference between what you read and what Paul is saying is that Paul is telling you what God told him and that is because of my weakness, God gives me His strength, so I am strong.  Not in spite of your weakness, because it’s not like your weakness is something God didn’t know about and now has to work around.  Remember that He is your Creator, so He knows how you work and how you need to work to fulfill His purpose for you.  Where you are empty because of a weakness or deficiency that you have, God pours in His strength, which is more than any strength we could’ve already been programmed with, because God perfects His strength in our weakness.  He told us that His grace is sufficient for us, so when we are weak and broken and we don’t have what it takes, we only need to lean on Him because He is strong, He is not broken and can even fix us, and He always has what it takes.

Our weaknesses can actually become our strengths.  Not because God takes them away or helps us to overcome them (although God does help us to overcome things, I just don’t think He would want us to “overcome” something that He specifically programmed us to have), but because He teaches us how to use them.  In our weaknesses, God perfects His strength.  Through our weaknesses, we become more like Him.  I’ll say it again.  Through our weaknesses, we become more like Him.  God gave us these weaknesses that we have for a reason.  When we accept that we have them and that they are a part of us, and when we give the weaknesses and ourselves to God, then He can work.  When we acknowledge that we cannot do something ourselves and we let God step in, that’s when things actually start to happen, and it’s so much better than if we had tried to do it ourselves because God’s strength is stronger.  When we are weak, then we are strong.

Paul actually even takes it one step further than that, because he’s not just talking about loving our weaknesses, but he actually says that we should be “contented with” insults, distresses, persecutions, and difficulties that come our way because of our weaknesses.  These are part of what God uses to refine His strength in us.  These are some of the trials that we hear about in James 1 that we are told to consider pure joy, because they are testing our faith and making us stronger.  I know that the new thing these days is to call everyone who looks at you wrong a bully and to run crying and throw a fit until someone “accepts you,” but as believers we should be thanking the people who insult us, cause us distress, and even those who actually persecute us.  We should be happy when we are faced with our own weaknesses, and even when they are pointed out by others.  We don’t need to look for shallow acceptance from those around us, because the One who created us knows us better than any of those people ever could and loves us with an unconditional, everlasting love.  And He not only can see us as we are, but He can see who we can and will become in Him through His strength, which He will use to shape and mold us by using those exact weaknesses that the people were giving us crap about.

When we deny or ignore our weaknesses, or when we pass them off as just something that we are and determine to do nothing about it, we are denying God the opportunity to perfect His strength in us.  We are taking the reins in our own hands and using our own human strength, or lack thereof, to take us through life, which is why we will fail.  Our strength is not, and can never be enough.  It’s important to know our weaknesses and recognize them for what they are so we can give them over to God.  The cracks and holes that are our weaknesses create openings through which God can fill us with His strength.  If we try to patch them ourselves, not only will it look sloppy and not hold, but there will be nowhere for God to pour in His strength, and He’s not one to force it.

Only when we accept that we are weak can we accept God’s strength.
When we are weak, then we are strong.

What’s your weakness?